*近三年代表性期刊论文(*通讯作者): (1) 王婷*,黄天熠,熊志颖,谢坚勋(2024)建设项目感知价值文献综述-基于文献 计量的中外研究比较分析,项目管理技术,已录用(拟6月刊)。< 中文核心> (2) Xiaoyan Chen, Ting Wang*, Yan Liu and Zixin Dou(2024). Configurational path to collaborative innovation in large and complex construction projects, Buildings, 14,117. (3) 王婷*,李遥,何清华(2023)基于扎根理论的重大工程公众感知价值维度模型构建,工程管理学报,37(04),90-95。< 中文核心> (4) Zidan Tian, Ting Wang* andQinghua He (2023)A Critical review of status quo and future directions of project owner dynamic capabilities: dimensions and key factors, Journal of Management & Organization, accepted. (5) Qinghua He, Zidan Tian and Ting Wang* (2023)How to Mobilize Owner Dynamic Capabilities in Megaprojects? A Tripartite Evolutionary Game Approach, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, accepted. (6) Ting Wang, Junyan Xu, Qinghua He, Albert P.C. Chan, Emmanuel Kingsford Owusu*(2022).Studies on the success criteria and critical success factors for mega infrastructure construction projects: a literature review, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management. (article in press). (7) Qinghua He , Zidan Tian , Ting Wang*(2022).Performance measurement methods in megaprojects: An analytical review, International Journal of Project Management, 40,634-645. (8) Ting Wang , Emmanuel Kingsford Owusu , Qinghua He, Zidan Tian and Dong Wu*(2022).Empirical Assessments of the Determinants of Construction Megaprojects’ Success: Evidence from China,Sustainability, 14,14730. (9) Ting Wang, Kaiyi Li, Defu Liu, Yang Yang and Dong Wu*(2022).Estimating the Carbon Emission of Construction Waste Recycling Using Grey Model and Life Cycle Assessment: A Case Study of Shanghai,Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health,19, 8507 (10) 王婷,何清华*,田子丹(2021).考虑OCB的重大工程项目成功的评估及提升策略研究,科技管理研究,41(21),186-195。 (11) Emmanuel Kingsford Owusu*, Albert P.C Chan and Ting Wang (2021).Tackling corruption in urban infrastructure procurement: Dynamic evaluation of the critical constructs and the anti-corruption measures,Cites 119(2021)103379. (12) Qinghua He, Ting Wang*, Albert P.C Chan and Junyan Xu (2020). Developing a List of Key Performance Indicators for Benchmarking the Success of Construction Megaprojects. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 147(2):04020164. (13) Ting Wang*, Albert P.C Chan, Qinghua He and Junyan Xu (2020). Identifying the gaps in construction megaproject management research: A bibliographic analysis. International Journal of Construction Management,26(8),1553-1573 (14) Qinghua He, Junyan Xu, Ting Wang* and Albert P.C Chan (2019). Identifying driving factors of successful megaproject construction management: Insights Findings from three Chinese cases. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 1-12. (15) Qinghua He, Ting Wang*, Albert P.C Chan, Hanzhang Li and Yangxue Chen (2019). Identifying the gaps in project success research: a mixed bibliographic and bibliometric analysis. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 26 (8), 1553-1573. . *近三年代表性学术会议论文: (1) 2023年8月5-6日,江苏南京,第二十八届建设管理与房地产发展国际学术研讨会,口头汇报:Identifying the driving factors for mega-event project success:A case study of the Olympic Games (2)2023年7月7-8日,上海,管理科学与工程学会2023年年会,口头汇报:基于扎根理论的重大工程公众感知价值维度模型构建 (3)2021年11月20-21日,北京,第二十六届建设管理与房地产发展国际学术研讨会暨第七届海峡两岸可持续城市发展论坛,口头汇报:Investigating the Relationship Between Critical Success Factors *出版专著: 1.王婷,何清华著。重大基础设施工程项目成功的维度识别、关键要素与提升策略研究,2023年7月第一版,同济大学出版社。 *主持或参与的主要科研项目: 1. 重大基础设施工程“公众感知价值”多维建构、影响机理与提升策略研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2024.1-2026.12,在研,主持 2. 重大工程技术创新协同的跨尺度仿真与联动治理,上海市“科技创新行动计划”启明星培育(扬帆专项),2023.4-2026.3,在研,主持 < 省部级人才项目> 3. 上海市新型基础设施建设项目价值共毁行为的类型解构与治理对策研究,上海市“科技创新行动计划”软科学研究项目,2023.4-2024.3,在研,主持 4. 重大工程价值创造的网络形成与涌现效应研究,校级引进人才科研启动项目(自科类),2022.4-2024.3,在研,主持 5. 基础设施综合开发异质融资网络特征解构、双向演化与适应性提升,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024.1-2027.12,在研,参与 6. 重大工程项目成功要素识别、双元驱动及组织适应性研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020.1-2023.12,在研,参与 7. 重大工程组织公民行为形成动因、效能涌现及培育研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016.1-2019.12,结题,参与 8. 重大基础设施工程的组织行为与模式创新研究,国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题三,2014.1-2018.12,结题,参与 *主持的教改项目: 1. 《经济法》课程思政教学设计与实施,上海高校青年教师培养资助计划一般项目,2023.9-2025.8,在研,主持 |