导师介绍 | ||
导师姓名 | 叶璟 | |
导师性别 | 女 | |
职务职称 | 副教授 图书馆副馆长 | |
所在院系 | 化学与环境工程虎扑nba | |
一级学科 | 环境科学与工程 | |
二级学科 | 环境科学 | |
研究方向 | 环境化学 环境毒理学 水质基准与风险评估 | |
联系电话 | 021-60873182 | |
电子邮箱 | yejinganna@sit.edu.cn | |
个人简介 | ||
叶璟:上海应用技术大学,化学与环境工程虎扑nba,副教授,图书馆副馆长。先后在学科建设办公室(副主任)和上海市徐汇区生态环境局(副局长)挂职,曾任研究生院副院长(2018-2023)。主要研究方向为:环境污染物的检测、环境安全评价、水质基准与风险评估。 先后主持并完成了国家自然科学基金、上海市自然科学基金、上海市教委科研创新计划等国家级及省部级项目,承担横向企业项目多项。已在Environ Sci Technol、Environ Pollut、Sci Total Environ、Trac-Trend Anal Chem、J Agr Food Chem、Chem Res Toxicol、Aquat Toxicol等环境科学重要SCI期刊及中文核心刊物上发表研究论文六十余篇。申请国家发明专利10余项,主编出版著作一部。担任多个中科院SCI分区2区以上期刊审稿人,担任中科院SCI一区期刊Frontiers in Marine Science客座主编。参与课程《美丽中国》获得国家级一流本科线上线下混合式课程,上海市级课程思政示范团队。获上海市研究生教学成果一等奖(参与)、二等奖(参与)。 | ||
学习与工作经历 | ||
2005年于浙江大学环境与资源虎扑nba环境科学系获学士学位。 2010年于浙江大学环境与资源虎扑nba环境科学系获博士学位。 2010年7月进入上海应用技术大学化学与环境工程虎扑nba工作。 2023年中国环科院环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室访问学者。 | ||
科研工作与成果 | ||
国家自然科学基金“苯氧丙酸类除草剂的对映选择性水生植物毒理及降解代谢”; 上海市自然科学基金项目“手性苯氧丙酸类除草剂对蓝藻的对映选择性毒理研究”; 上海市自然科学基金项目“典型碳手性除草剂对蓝藻的毒性机制及藻毒素释放的影响研究”; 上海市教委科研创新项目“四环素类抗生素对微囊藻毒素释放规律的影响研究”; 上海高校青年教师资助培养计划“手性农药的植物毒理研究”; 上海交大农业部都市农业(南方)重点开放实验室开放课题基金“手性苯氧丙酸类除草剂的环境安全评价”; 上海市环境科学研究院徐汇区大气颗粒物采样项目。
[1] Chen Wang, Xinyue Yu, Liang Wu, Chenglian Feng, Jing Ye*, Fengchang Wu. A contrast of emerging contaminants rac- and l-menthol toxicities to Microcystis aeruginosa through biochemical, physiological, and morphological investigations. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 169508. [2] Jing Ye, Yacen Mao, Liang Meng*, Junjie Li, Xilin Li, Lishan Xiao, Ying Zhang, Fenghua Wang, Huan Deng. Polycaprolactone-modified biochar supported nanoscale zero-valent iron coupling with shewanella putrefaciens CN32 for 1,1,1-trichloroethane removal from stimulated groundwater: synthesis, optimization, and mechanism. Molecules. 2023, 28(7), 3145. [3] Jing Ye*, Jiawei Ni, Fuxiang Tian, Xiyan Ji, Meifang Hou, Yuanting Li, Lei Yang, Runxiang Wang, Wenwu Xu, Liang Meng.Toxicity effects of disinfection byproduct chloroacetic acid to Microcystis aeruginosa: Cytotoxicity and mechanisms. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2023, 129, 229-239. [4] Jing Ye*, Sijia Hua, Sijia Liu, Fuxiang Tian, Xiyan Ji, Yuanting Li, Meifang Hou, Wenwu Xu, Liang Meng, Lijuan Sun. Enantioselective effects of chiral fragrance carvone (L- and D-carvone) on the physiology, oxidative damage, synthesis, and release of microcystin-LR in Microcystis aeruginosa. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 853, 158631. [5] Sijia Hua, Jiawen Chen, Liang Wu, Xinyue Yu, Jing Ye*, Yuanting Li, Yongqiang Zhu, Fuxiang Tian. The monthly variation tendency of microcystin-LR levels in the Huangpu River (China) by applications of ELISA and HPLC. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2022, 29, 56876-56884. [6] Xinyue Yu, Chen Huang, Liang Wu, Sijia Hua, Jing Ye*, Liang Meng, Chao Xu. Effects of the herbicides quizalofop-p-ethyl and quizalofop-ethyl on the physiology, oxidative damage, synthesis, and release of microcystin-LR in Microcystis aeruginosa. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 776, 146036-146045. [7] Jing Ye*, Yuping Du, Lumei Wang, Jingru Qian, Jiejing Chen, Qingwen Wu, Xiaojun Hu. Toxin Release of Cyanobacterium Microsystis aeruginosa after Exposure to Typical Tetracycline Antibiotic Contaminants. Toxins. 2017, 9(2), 53. [8] Jing Ye, Lumei Wang, Zhijian Zhang, Weiping Liu*. Enantioselective physiological effects of the herbicide diclofop on cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Environmental Science & Technology. 2013, 47(8), 3893-901. [9] Jing Ye, Meirong Zhao, Lili Niu, Weiping Liu*. Enantioselective environmental toxicology of chiral pesticides. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 2015, 28 (3), 325-338. [10] Jing Ye, Jing Wu, Weiping Liu*. Enantioselective separation and analysis of chiral pesticides by high-performance liquid chromatography. Trends in analytical chemistry. 2009, 28: 1148-1163 [11] Jing Ye, Meirong Zhao, Jing Liu, Weiping Liu*. Enantioselectivity in environmental risk assessment of modern chiral pesticides. Environmental Pollution. 2010, 158, 2371-2383. [12] Jing Ye, Ying Zhang, Shengwen Chen, Chaonan Liu, Yongqiang Zhu, Weiping Liu*. Enantioselective changes in oxidative stress and toxin release in Microcystis aeruginosa exposed to chiral herbicide diclofop acid. Aquatic Toxicology. 2014, 146. [13] Liang Wu, Zhihao Qiu, Ya Zhou, Yuping Du, Chaonan Liu, Jing Ye* and Xiaojun Hu** Physiological Effects of the Herbicide Glyphosate on the Cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Aquatic Toxicology. 2016, 178, 72-79. | ||
社会学术团体兼职 | ||
中国环境科学学会会员,美国ACS会员。 担任多个SCI一区及二区期刊审稿人 | ||
主要研究方向 | ||
污染物的环境安全评价 环境污染物的毒性测试 污染物的检测 水质基准与风险评估 | ||
近3年指导研究生的就业情况 | ||
指导学术型硕士攻读博士学位继续深造;指导专业型硕士进入相关领域就业。 |